It’s Finally Happened…

I identify with Stan more than Steve.

I didn’t think it would happen. I’ve always found Steve to be a kindred spirit. But Stan’s rant about memes really hit me.

“No it’s not [funny]! Mr. Bean is funny! That video makes me hate humanity!”

I immediately said “Stan’s right!” and realized I’m disconnected! I love Mr. Bean and hate these weird tiktok videos! These new memes/anti-memes/etc make no sense to me. Steve’s always been in 9th grade so he’s always followed the current teen trends. And Stan was the opposite. Set in his ways and not understanding what the younger generation is doing.

And now I’ve realized I’m far closer to Stan’s age than Steve’s since I started watching in the late 2000s!

Ohh god, I’m an oldhead…

I identify with Stan more than Steve.

I didn’t think it would happen. I’ve always found Steve to be a kindred spirit. But Stan’s rant about memes really hit me.

“No it’s not [funny]! Mr. Bean is funny! That video makes me hate humanity!”

I immediately said “Stan’s right!” and realized I’m disconnected! I love Mr. Bean and hate these weird tiktok videos! These new memes/anti-memes/etc make no sense to me. Steve’s always been in 9th grade so he’s always followed the current teen trends. And Stan was the opposite. Set in his ways and not understanding what the younger generation is doing.

And now I’ve realized I’m far closer to Stan’s age than Steve’s since I started watching in the late 2000s!

Ohh god, I’m an oldhead…